By the numbers
We’ve come a long way from an island with a weekly visit from a mainland doctor!
75+ | Years of service to Gasparilla Island |
6,500 | Patient visits a year |
3 | Board-certified primary care physicians specializing in emergency medicine, family practice and internal medicine |
24/7 – 365 | A physician is on duty after hours, weekends and holidays by phone |
5 | Four Registered Nurses and one Licensed Practical Nurse |
2 | Medical Assistants |
1 | Radiology Technician |
4,800 | COVID-19 tests provided to Island patients and employers in the last 2.5 years |
5,000 | COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters provided to Island patients and employers in the last 2.5 years |
1,000 | Flu shots provided to Island patients and employers in the last 2.5 years |
4-in-1 | Clinic’s rapid test machine to detect SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A, Influenza B and RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) |
200 | X-rays performed since re-establishing service in October 2022 |
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The Clinic is Here for You
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Boca Grande Health Clinic Post-Hurricane Milton Update: 10/14/24
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