poolside chairs and umbrellas overlooking the ocean at the Gasparilla Inn Beach Club

Grande Rounds – Longevity: Can it be bought?” Examining blue zones and wonder drugs in the quest for long life?

Sandip Mukherjee, MD, FACC is the Medical Director of the Aortic Institute at Yale New Haven Hospital, a senior Editor of the journal AORTA, and on the Editorial Committee of The Medical Letter. He was former medical resident, chief medical resident, and cardiovascular fellow at Yale. He has served as a primary investigator in more than 20 clinical trials and has been a contributing editor for UpToDate, an author of several book chapters and has received several honors at Yale including the Betsy R. Harris Award, the Betsy Winters House Staff Award, the Hugh L Dwyer Award, and the Stephen R. Shell Award. He was a former Vice President of the South Asian Society of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis and Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at Yale.

Jaime Gerber, MD, is a cardiologist who provides preventive cardiology, and who diagnoses and treats a range of conditions including coronary artery disease, high cholesterol, and peripheral vascular disease.        

“Cardiology is a dynamic, impactful, and well-researched specialty that gives the patient and doctor fantastically useful tools to care for our patients,” he says. “The absolute best thing about my practice is getting to know my patients as individuals and making a difference in their cardiovascular health. We always have something that we can offer our patients.” The best moments, he says, are when he looks out into the waiting room and sees patients who are thriving thanks to the care they are receiving.