Personal equityby Bob Baer
I had a heart attack and cardiac arrest. Immediately upon arriving at the hospital, my body temperature was lowered to the mid 30 degrees. 24 hours later I was thawed. And I lived with few ramifications. Importantly, because my son-in-law provided artificial respiration immediately and constantly until EMS arrived 7 minutes later. Upon returning to Boca Grande, a group of 15-20 friends decided my experience was a good reason for us all to be trained (or retrained) in CPR. The BG Fire Department has an excellent course and we signed up. Dr. Raymond James learned of our effort and asked to join our group to provide some professional insights. He took time from his own private life to join our group to further a good cause for the Island. We are fortunate to have people like Dr. James who provide us their medical expertise, but, as importantly, add personal equity to our island. (March 21, 2023)